Fixing Xbox Red Ring Errors – Can it Be Done? PS4 CONSOLE

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The « red ring of death » as it is commonly referred to is one of the most frustrating problems to have affected the Xbox 360 since the console’s release. If you are sick to death of not having a working Xbox 360 then keep reading to discover a basic, easy-to-follow outline for fixing Xbox red ring errors.

Before fixing Xbox red ring problems, you need to fully understand what actually causes the error in the first place. After all, it is a little bit difficult to fix something if you don’t know what exactly is wrong in the first place.

Basically, the Xbox 360 system suffers quite badly from overheating problems due to its powerful components, but relatively weak cooling system and case air circulation.

As the heat level rises, the thermal glue which holds your graphics processor chip loosens, meaning that the graphics processor chip itself comes slightly free. This causes malfunctions such as those familiar red lights.

Fixing Xbox red rings involves realigning your graphics chip, as well as correctly attaching the heat sink which keeps it cool in order to prevent future overheating from occurring.

This can all be done in one simple « tweak », which involves removing the heat sink from the GPU, realigning it (which also causes the GPU to move back into place), turning your Xbox 360 back on so that some heat can build up and set the thermal glue back into place.

If fixing Xbox red rings sounds slightly complicated to you, don’t worry. Why? Because you can actually get video repair instructions that will enable you to see step-by-step in high quality audio and video exactly what you need to do to repair your console.

In all honesty, you should not attempt to fix your Xbox 360 without these repair videos, as it is important that you see exactly what needs to be done, and that you get it right to get the best results.


Source by James Philipson