PS3 Three Beeps of Death? What to Do Next PS4 CONSOLE

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It is not uncommon for PS3 users to experience the PS3 beeping error sometimes known as the « three beeps of death ». What generally happens when you encounter this error, is that your PlayStation 3 will beep three times in short succession, and then suddenly shut down. If this has happened to you, you are likely wondering one or more of the following questions: Is this a serious problem? Do you need to send it in for immediate repairs if this happens? Can I troubleshoot and fix this issue myself?

Unfortunately, there are no easy answers for these questions because there are multiple possible causes of the three beep error with the PS3. If you are lucky, this error may only happen once or only on rare occasions. In such cases, you may just choose to ignore the problem and deal with the rare shut downs that may occur, as unpredictable as they may be.

However, if the three beep error happens repeatedly, you have a more serious issue that is going to need some proper troubleshooting and repairs. In some cases, simply resetting the PS3 hard drive will help resolve the problem. In other cases, the problem may be the result of dirt and dust building up inside the unit, causing it to overheat. By properly cleaning your unit both internally and externally, you may be able to resolve this problem. However, in the most serious cases, you may be facing a motherboard issue that is in need of professional repair or replacement.

If you open up your PS3 unit, you may be able to easily tell which of these issues is the culprit with a visual inspection. For example, you may be able to see clear signs of overheating or motherboard damage. However, before you risk voiding your warranty (if you still have one) or otherwise damaging the PS3, you should certainly consider obtaining a quality PS3 home repair manual to help walk you through all the troubleshooting and repair processes. A quality home PS3 repair manual should have photos and sometimes even video clips to help to assist you with both diagnosing the source of the beeping problem and fixing it at home.


Source by Bill Boor