Advertising – How Do You Advertise to Make the Most Impact? PS4 CONSOLE

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Have you placed ads in periodicals and local papers trying to get attention for your business, products or services? How many calls did you get in response? Did the revenue you generated even pay for the cost of the advertising?

How do you know when and where to advertise your company? You are the only person who knows the answer to this question.

Make a check list of questions that must be answered before you place an ad in any publication. A checklist should answer the following questions:

1. Who will I sell to? Define your target market.

2. How will I reach my target market and get them to buy my products or services?

3. Is anyone else selling a similar product or service?

4. What makes my product and strategies different than everyone else in my industry?

Once you have answered these questions you can start to plan exactly how you intend to sell your services.

Where to advertise:

The only successful way to advertise is to do it in a medium that reaches your target buyers. Remember, your first task is to determine who your most likely customers are, and then design your advertising campaign to reach those specific people. For example: I would not place an ad for payroll services in a fashion magazine. Instead I would find a periodical read by those in my industry. This way the focus of my advertising is more specific as the general public does not have a need for payroll services.

How to advertise:

When you determine that you are ready to place an ad it is important to present your services in a style that appeals to your specific buyer.

What is the profile of your prospective client? If I were to place a payroll ad it would be more conservative than if the ad were for a restaurant or a children’s clothing shop.

What is the need of your prospective client? Is it cost savings, efficiencies of using your product or something you hadn’t considered in the past? Asking your current clients about what they like best about your services can give you other avenues to explore.

Your ad needs to appeal to the self interest of your prospect. It needs to answer the « pain » of why a prospect is buying from you instead of your competitor. It should lead off with the answer to every client’s most important question: What will I get if I buy from you that I don’t get where I am buying now?

Finally, originality is always important if you want to stand out. Think of different ways to reach your target market that may not have been traditionally explored in your industry.


Source by Meg Eynon